HI Everyone, are we making through this winter in one piece? I"m more inspired than ever before and making some great work, much of it for personal clients and commissions so stay tuned, some of it I can show you, so please stay tuned! Something something about Dennis Quaid, and Squirrels holding spoons or something, or a certain creature from Rhinlander, WI? Say wahhhhhht?
I took a leap (which was scary for Me) and got a small work-space in a local crafters building 13 of Banbury Place, it's in the process of being set up and presentable to have visitors, but i'm setting up things to do my illustrations there, and some screen printing for my personal work, just to get better at it.
I have this neat owl I originally created for the Banbury Art Crawl back in February (which was sort of cancelled, for me it was) but I have released this art on my site, as a limited edition of 10 made giclee' art print and there's 4 available yet. head on over there and check out the details. I also still have the inked bird artwork which is also up for sale right now and not spoken for.
I"m hoping to have my screen print set up going in the next few weeks and try screen printing this with nice inks. :)
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